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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

New Testament Blog Post #7 - Seventy

The following was my assignment for this week:
1.     Review Luke 10:1-24. Based on these verses, write a summary of the Lord’s counsel and instructions he gave the seventy.
He sent them two by two before his face into every city and place he went.
He told them to pray to the Lord that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.
He told them they were lambs among wolves.
He told them to carry no purse or scrip or shoes, and to salute no man in their journey (presumably this means that he told them not to dawdle or waste time).
He told them that before they enter a house, they should say “Peace be to this house,” and that the peace should rest upon the house if the son of peace was there, but it should turn to them again if he were not.
He told them to accept the gifts of food and drink from those whose houses and cities they were received in, “for the labourer is worthy of his hire.”
He told them to heal the sick and tell them “The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.”
He told them to wipe the dust off their feet at the cities they entered who would not receive them, and to let those in the city know that the kingdom of God is come.
He told them that what was done unto them and thought of them was, by extension, done unto and thought of himself and the father.
He gave them power to “tread on serpents and scorpions, and all over the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you,” but not to rejoice because the spirits are subject unto them but because their names are written in heaven.
He told them that they were blessed to see and hear the things that they saw and heard, for the same things were desired by kings and prophets, but those men had not seen nor heard such things.

2.     Articles of Faith 1:6 states, “We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church.” Using the principles taught from Luke 10:1-2, 8-9, 17-20, write a paragraph that supports this Article of Faith.
There are several similarities that a person can find between these verses and modern Church organization and practice. Our Church has a quorum of seventy, and sends missionaries (labourers) two by two into the world to preach. A common practice among our Church is to invite the servants of the Lord to eat in our homes. Giving priesthood blessings to the sick is also a common practice in our Church. There are also witnesses of missionaries or other servants of the Lord casting out devils in the name of the Lord, and thus having power over them.

3.     Go to the Church’s scripture website and read the topic of “Seventy” in the Guide to the Scriptures. Describe in one or two sentences how the scriptures show the existence of this office in the priesthood.
Luke 10:1 is the only explicit reference to the Seventy in the Bible, but in it the Lord commands that the men he has appointed go before his face everywhere he went. Inclusive in his direction is the commandment that they should heal others and the information that they have the power to cast out devils. The Doctrine and Covenants has more frequent references to the Seventy, and says they are called to preach the gospel and be special witnesses of Christ (D&C 107:25-26) and bear record of his name in all the world (D&C 124:138-139).

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